PO Template Blog

Why Use Purchase Order Software?

If you rely on a blank purchase order template like purchaseordertemplate.org's PO generator, then you may find a number of ways to improve your procurement process with our Pro purchasing software for small businesses.

Many small businesses get by on a paper-based purchasing system, which may include spreadsheets, Word templates or PDFs. And in some cases, it may be as simple as a call or email to the supplier. So why change?

Consolidated Purchasing Source

Generate all POs in the same way in the same place. Never worry about tracking down who has purchased what and when.

Quick Purchase Order Entry

Create a default template with pre-populated company info to eliminate duplicating your efforts with each new PO. And save frequent vendor details to make generating a new purchase order a snap.

Stay On Top of Purchasing Expenses

Get a quick glance at unpaid POs and total outstanding costs. Recognize opportunities for savings and purchasing efficiencies.

Avoid Receving Delays

Easily monitor purchases yet to be received. Follow up with vendors before inventory is depleted.

Track Purchasing and Inventory Trends

Begin to see when typical purchases are occurring to better forecast expenses and proactively anticipate inventory needs.

Delegate Purchasing Tasks

A single purchasing tool will create a smooth transition through staffing changes or when that one-man shop hires more hands.